Can I See the Online Status of Someone I Have Blocked on Viber? Find Here.

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Can I See the Online Status of Someone I Have Blocked on Viber

Have you ever found yourself wondering if you can see the online status of someone you’ve blocked on Viber? It’s a common query among Viber users, and we’re here to provide you with all the information you need.

In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of Viber’s blocking feature, how it affects your online status visibility, and provide you with answers to frequently asked questions.

Understanding Viber Blocking

Viber’s blocking feature allows you to prevent someone from contacting you, and it also affects your visibility to the person you’ve blocked.

When you block someone on Viber, they won’t be able to see your online status, and they won’t receive any of your messages or calls. But can you still see their online status? Let’s delve into this.

Can You See Their Online Status?

Unfortunately, once you’ve blocked someone on Viber, you won’t be able to see their online status. The person you’ve blocked becomes invisible to you, and vice versa. It’s a privacy feature designed to give users control over their interactions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I block someone on Viber?

When you block someone on Viber, they can no longer contact you, see your online status, or receive your messages and calls.

Can a blocked contact see my messages or calls?

No, a blocked contact won’t be able to see your messages or calls. They’ll receive no notification of your attempts to contact them.

Can I unblock someone on Viber?

Yes, you can unblock someone on Viber. Simply go to your Viber settings, find the list of blocked contacts, and choose to unblock the person you want.

Will a blocked contact know they’re blocked?

A blocked contact won’t receive a notification that they’ve been blocked. However, they may infer it when they can’t see your online status or receive your messages.

Can I still see the chat history with a blocked contact?

Yes, you can still access your chat history with a blocked contact. It remains available in your chat history, but you won’t be able to send new messages.

How can I know if someone has blocked me on Viber?

If you suspect someone has blocked you on Viber, you won’t be able to see their online status, and your messages won’t be delivered.

Final Thoughts

Blocking someone on Viber ensures your privacy and control over your interactions. While you won’t be able to see the online status of someone you’ve blocked, they won’t see yours either. Viber’s blocking feature offers peace of mind to users, allowing them to manage their contacts effectively.

In summary, if you’re wondering, “Can I see the online status of someone I’ve blocked on Viber?” the answer is no. Blocking on Viber is a one-way privacy feature that keeps both parties in the dark regarding each other’s online status.

Remember, Viber’s features may change over time, so always refer to Viber’s official website or support for the most up-to-date information.


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